Make your own Almond Milk

Plant based milks are becoming increasingly popular as the rates of lactose intolerance are on the rise, or even as alternatives to dairy milk. The benefits of plant based milk is that they contain no cholesterol and are saturated fat free! Plant based milks are still rich in calcium and low GI. 

Making your own plant based milk can be a cheap alternative to dairy milk and you know exactly what goes into it. 

Her is our fool proof recipe for Almond Milk.


1/ Firstly place 1 cup of unsalted, raw almonds in a sealable container with a pinch of Himalayan rock salt, and cover with filtered water to soak for 12 hours. You will notice that the almonds have increased in size and look nice and plump when they are ready.


2/ Then drain the nuts, discarding the water, and rinse well.


3/ Place in a blender with 3 cups of filtered water. You can keep your almond milk as simple as that, or for sweeter milk add a pitted date and a few drops of vanilla essence. To make creamier milk you can also add a tbsp. of coconut butter or almond butter.


4/ Blend these ingredients on high for about a minute or until completely pulverised.


5/ Then strain the liquid into a jar or jug, squeezing the pulp to get all the milky goodness out.


6/ You don’t have to throw away the nutty pulp you are left with, this goes great on your muesli, in a smoothie, or even in your favourite protein ball recipe! It’s still packed full of goodness and tastes delicious.


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