4 Yoga Poses and Benefits

Camel Pose (digestion aiding, energising, hormone regulating)

Strengthens: Arms, Back

Stretches: Thighs, abs, chest.

Action: Come onto your knees spacing them hip distance apart.  Keeping your inner thighs firm, press your hips forward.  Lean back and reach for your heels.  If you cant quite reach your heels, places a block or a couple of books under your hands instead.  Gently let your head fall back and soften the glutes.  Stay for slow 5 breathes, or for as long as you feel comfortable


Tree Pose (energising, mood-lifting, mind-focusing, confidence boosting)

Strengthens: Thighs, calves, ankles

Stretches: Inner thigh

Action: In a standing position, move your weight to your left foot.  Lift and place your right heel into your inner left thigh.  If you can, bring your palms together and reach arms up.  Keep your hips facing forward.  Balance for 10 breathes before switching sides.


Seated Twist (digestion aiding, energising, mood-lifting)

Strengthens: Arms

Stretches: Shoulders, hips

Action: Sit tall. Bend your right knee, placing that sole outside your left leg.  Bend left knee, drawing the heel to your outer right hip.  Bring your right hand behind you, with your fingertips pressing into the mat as you twist to the right.  Deepen the twist by pressing the left elbow to the outside of your right knee.  Gaze over your right shoulder for 5 breathes, then switch sides.


The eye of the needle (calming, digestion-aiding)

Strengthens: Thighs

Stretches: Hips, lower back

Action: Lying on your back, place your right foot on the ground and rest your left ankles on top of your right thigh.  Interlacing your fingers at the back of the right thigh, draw your leg in towards the chest.  Feel the left hip open out while you lengthen the tailbone into the mat.  Hold for 10 breathes and switch sides.


  • Denny Laura

    Two years back, I joined Annandale Yoga classes. there was literally a change that I felt that I never felt before with a series of counselling.

  • Denny Laura

    Two years back, I joined Annandale Yoga classes. there was literally a change that I felt that I never felt before with a series of counselling.

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