The BEST New Year’s Resolutions

THE BEST PART about putting away the holiday decorations, taking down the Christmas tree, and clearing the refrigerator of both sweet and savory leftovers, is looking toward the new year. The new year not only represents an ending, but more importantly a beginning, a fresh start, and a new and improved you. With that comes the resolutions made to ourselves for change, change for the better, and leaving behind bad habits, unfulfilled promises and challenges not met. Therefore, in good old fashioned New Year’s spirit, we are going to make list of New Year’s resolutions with the intention of revamping your health.


    The simple act of replacing your typical morning meal with a nutrient-dense green smoothie is one of the easiest ways to get in all of your vitamins, minerals and antioxidants for the day. Plus, it promotes the rebuilding, regenerating and cleansing processes of the body, which is essential for weight loss and clearing up those nagging health issues.


    Promoting the detoxification of bad hormones, flushing the bowels of toxic waste, reducing levels of inflammation and preventing cancer, there is little this family of vegetables cannot do. Eating cruciferous vegetables every day such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, bok choy and cauliflower is a must for a healthy body, both inside and out.


    Staying away from gluten-laden foods is an easy way to improve health and oftentimes clear symptoms such as headaches, bloating, eczema and allergies. Avoid foods that contain wheat, rye, barley, bulgur, semolina and spelt, and replace them with alternatives that contain rice, nuts, seeds, quinoa, buckwheat, millet and amaranth.


    The side effects of eating refined sugar range from a depressed immune system to diabetes and weight gain, so we suggest switching to healthier alternatives. Lucky for us, refined sugar’s naturally sweet counterparts such as raw honey, dates and lucuma, also contain beneficial nutrients too. This not only eases the effects of sugar on the body, but also helps to improve the functioning of the body as well.


    Starting the day with a warm glass of lemon water is one of our favorite health tricks. Warm lemon water helps to alkalinize the body, keeps your detox organs cleansing, increases your immunity and also supports the function of your adrenal glands and digestive system. My personal tip: Add unrefined sea salt and a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to maximize its health benefits.


    The importance of purchasing organic produce is becoming especially important in order to avoid GMOs (genetically modified food), pesticides, herbicides and mercury fumigants. The good news is that not all produce must be organic, so learning which ones to purchase conventional is important. Shop with a guide, which will allow you to choose wisely, in an effort to not only support your health, but your wallet as well.

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