Frozen Summer Snacks

Here are a few snack ideas that can keep you cool in the hot weather.

Frozen bananas

Frozen bananas are perfect to make into a healthy low sugar ice cream alternative.  Always have bananas frozen in your freezer ready for when that sugar craving hits.  Place them in a blender with your favourite ingredients (cinnamon and coconut go great with bananas).  These will take a bit of blitzing and stopping for the occasional scrap until they are at an ice cream consistency, be patient its worth the wait.

Frozen Grapes

Frozen grapes are healthy summer snacks that are sweet and refreshing.  Frozen grapes should be sealed in a freezer proof bag.  Alternatively you can add them to your drinks as ice blocks to keep them cold.

Frozen Berries

The Perfect addition to keep your detox water cold and sweet

Frozen smoothie packs

Add your favourite smoothie fruit combination into pre made smoothie packs that you can keep in your freezer.  Freeze in freezer proof bags so when your in a rush you empty the contents into the blender with your desired amount of coconut water. 

For nourishing, healthy and tasty recipes take a look at our SkinnyMe Weight loss Programs.  We spent a year collaborating with experts in nutrition, naturopathy, personal training and yoga to bring you these quality and effective Programs which are easily incorporated into your daily routine and produce real results.



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