How to feel less bloated by the end of the day
- Hot water and Lemon; wakes up your digestive system and boosts your metabolism.
- Dairy-free diet; for many people dairy is their biggest discomfort, it can be heavy and the cause of bloating.
- Green Smoothie; has everything you need to cleanse your system and beat the bloat.
- Eat slow; eating too quickly can cause air to get trapped on our system, eating slowing will minimize the bloating caused by this air.
- Cut out the chewing gum; chewing gums causes you to swallow more air, also the sugars cause bloating.
- Drink more water; flush your system to assist with reducing the bloat
- Quinoa; rich in fiber and potassium, quinoa is fantastic to rid bloating!
- Up your fiber; snacking on fiber rich foods will keep you feel full, energized and bloat-free
- Drink tea with ginger; ginger is a fantastic spice to assist with cleansing and any bloating you may have after a meal!
- Get plenty of sleep; sleep assists with metabolism regulation, a lack of sleep can cause sluggishness.
Beat the bloat, start our SkinnyMe Weight loss programs and feel the difference this summer:
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