How To Make Yourself An Exercise Person

Bring a friend along for the ride

Perhaps you have a friend with a similar health and fitness goal?  Bringing a friend along for your fitness journey provides great motivation and potentially even some friendly competition for you to push yourself.  It is always easier to wake up early to hit the gym knowing a close friend is in the same boat. 


Investing in a fitness regime is a fantastic way to make sure you get your money worth. Whether it be a Program or pre-paying for classes or activities in your local area is a fantastic incentive to keep you enthusiastic and active.

Get all the apps

In this tech savvy day and age there is an app for everything, explore the health and fitness section of the app store and browse all the amazing apps.  There are apps for all sorts of exercise enthusiasts whether it is apps for runners, gym workouts, yoga or calorie counting there is an app for any and every stage of your fitness journey.  For all those who thrive on numbers and statistics these apps can help you stay on track whilst starting this new routine.

Have a great playlist

Create one epic exercise playlist that contains your favourite pump up songs that will keep you motivated. 

Set an alarm

Go to bed early, organise your gym clothes for the following morning and set that alarm.  When your alarm goes off for that 6:00am fitness class you will need to jump out of bed, get dressed and go, no time to think about that extra hours sleep. Make the commitment to yourself to wake up and participate in all those early morning gym classes.  Those who exercise in the morning are most likely to stick to their exercise regime when compared to those who exercise in the afternoon.

Hire a trainer

Hiring a personal trainer is great for those who don’t know what they are doing.  They can show you around the weights room and build a specific program based off your health goals and problem areas.  Having someone to teach proper technique and execution is fantastic for injury prevention.  Once you get the hang of the program you can easily execute it.

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