Oil Pulling 10: 10 Tips For Making It Work

Over the last few months I’ve been hearing more and more about oil pulling. And if you just said, ‘what the blazes is oil pulling?’ then you’re not alone. I said the same thing! Here’s a quick rundown.

Oil pulling is an ancient Ayruveda holistic dental care method that involves nothing more than swishing cold-pressed oil in your mouth for a certain amount of time. Sounds simple, right? It also sounds a little, well, strange. Maybe even totally gross. I get it. I thought the same thing. But I’m always open for trying new home remedies so I’ve been giving it a try for the past few weeks. Here’s what I’ve learned!

The idea behind oil pulling, as well as the name itself, is that swishing with the oil helps “pull” toxins from your system as you pull the oil through your teeth and gums. The oils typically used are coconut, olive or sesame oil. That part seems to be a matter of personal preference. I’ve been using coconut oil since I already use it for everything, and my cupboard is already well stocked. It also shows anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties. Plus, I’m bit of a coconut fiend and love the way it tastes.


  • Place 1-3 teaspoons oil in your mouth.
  • Swish and “pull” the oil around the inside of your cheeks and in between your teeth.
  • Continue for 5-20 minutes.

I’ve had issues with my teeth, gums and jaw since having children, so I knew I was a good candidate for trying this out. And the first time I tried it, it felt strange I’ll admit. And that 20 minutes felt like an eternity! It was also difficult not to swallow any. But swallowing the oil is a big no-no – the oil is full of toxins, bacteria and germs. But it gets easier! Here’s what I found to be helpful as I do this daily.


  1. Start first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.
  2. If using coconut oil, melt it first, or let it melt in your mouth. I sort of “chew” it until it melts.
  3. Use less oil if it feels like it’s too much.
  4. Keep the oil in the front of your mouth – don’t gargle with it. You will have a mouthful of liquid by the end from the oil and the extra saliva.
  5. If your mouth and jaw get tired, take a break and let it sit without swishing in the front of your mouth.
  6. Try doing a small task that takes between 5-20 minutes – folding a load of laundry, taking a shower, checking emails, packing your kids’ lunches, vacuuming the living room, etc.
  7. Be sure to do it long enough so that the oil and the enzymes in your saliva interact.
  8. Spit the oil into the garbage can, not in the sink to prevent it from clogging pipes.
  9. Swish really well with salt water afterward.
  10. Brush your teeth and floss as normal. (I use a homemade toothpaste.)


  • My gums feel healthier and they don’t get sore anymore.
  • My teeth feel stronger. I noticed after just the first few days – really!
  • Much better breath.
  • Less plaque.
  • My tongue feels cleaner.
  • My lips are super soft!
  • My jaw pain has lessened a lot. I’m pretty sure I have TMJ. The first few days my mouth and jaw felt super fatigued afterward, but now my entire face feel stronger. This may be more from the extra “exercise” than the oil itself. :)

In addition to the benefits I’ve already seen, oil pulling has tons of other reported benefits.


  • reduced headaches, insomnia, PMS, sinus congestion
  • general detoxification benefits
  • overall increased oral health
  • reduced inflammation in the body, including reduction of arthritis symptoms
  • pain relief
  • skin problems (eczema, acne, rashes) reduced


I love the benefits I’ve seen so far and plan to continue. What do you think? Is it too weird? Or are you wiling to give it a try? For those of you who have tried it, what benefits have you noticed?

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