How to stay healthy this summer

Let’s be realistic, it’s the holidays and we don’t want to stick to a strict diet that lacks luster, so instead we want to give you some tips how to be the “healthiest” version of your holiday self (without missing out on the holiday fun).

Don’t forget to stay active

We understand that it is a busy time of year, but don’t put all this year’s hard work to waste. During holidays its extremely important that you keep up your exercise regime to make up for all the over indulging that this time of year brings.  The good news is that with the school/university/work break you will have more time during the day to stay active!  Grab a friend and enjoy some daytime activities such as hiking, surfing and walking, you wont even notice your burning calories. 

Drink plenty of water

Water is equally important all year round, however these holidays water will need to be your best friend!  Drinking a glass of water on rising will kick start your body, and drinking a large glass before any meal will make you feel fuller quicker (meaning you will eat less).  Make your holiday feasts fun by creating your own detox water, simply add you favorite sliced fruits to a large pitcher with water and share with friends and family!

Snack wisely

All the slices, puddings, cakes and treats will be so tempting…..we know, this is why we

recommend filling up on healthy alternatives that wont have you reaching for that quick sugar fix!  Choose to snack on vegetables, fruit, home made muesli bars and nuts over potato chips, cheese, biscuits and sweets. 

Choose a cheat meal

We understand that you are on holidays and this time of year brings numerous temptations, this is why we recommend introducing a cheat meal/snack once or twice a week to keep those cravings at bay.  Not only will you find that avoiding the sweets will be difficult if you quit cold turkey, but you will find your cravings can be kept at bay if you have an occasion to look forward to.

Drink moderately

It is the silly season, and we know that one of the main attractions for these holidays is the flexibility to have a drink whilst catching up with loved ones and friends.  We aren’t telling you to avoid alcohol all together, instead on theses occasions we recommend you moderate your alcohol intake.  Alternate your bubbly with sparkling water and avoid any premixed alcoholic beverages as they are usually packed full of sugar!

Stick with your healthy friends

You will find it surprisingly easy to stay healthy these holidays if you and your friends and yourself agree to eat healthily on your holidays together!  Having each other’s support will get rid of any temptation all together!


We understand that the Christmas turkey and BBQ meats are the ‘pièce de résistance’ when stacking your plate, try filling your plate with vegetables and salads before adding the meat.  Make sure the meat takes up the smallest portion of the plate and the vegetables and salad take up the largest.  Alternatively use a small plate to limit your serving sizes!

Eat Regularly

Do not hang out starving all day for the amazing feast you will have at a dinner party, you will find yourself starving and when you get to the party you will most likely over indulge in calorie rich finger food.  Eat as usual, your healthy breakfast and lunch with any healthy snacks you require, have a large glass of water before you leave or as you get to the party and eat only when you are hungry.


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