10 Workout Secrets

  1. Consistency is Key
    Make your routine consistent, the difference between success and struggle is consistency.
  2. Follow and effective Exercise Routine
    Strength, Interval, Cardio ; choose your routine based on the goals you wish to achieve.
  3. Set Realistic goals
    Don’t set yourself back by setting an unrealistic goal, take your time and choose goals that are representative of your fitness level.
  4. Get a friend involved
    Find a friend who also wants to establish a healthy lifestyle. You can motivate and push each other to your limits.
  5. Fit your plan, around your life
    Don’t have a gym membership? Use the floor space.
  6. Make sure you enjoy it
    Make sure its making you happy, otherwise you will start to dred the gym!
  7. Grab yourself a trainer
    Recommended for those first starting their exercise plan. Getting a professional is will help you determine your strengths and weaknesses.
  8. Get Inspired
    Blogs, motivational talks, fitness inspiration is everywhere! Use it to keep you motivated and keep things exciting!
  9. Time your workouts
    Use your body clock to time your workouts, not a morning person exercise after work. Up Early? Do your workouts in the morning! Utilize the energy whilst you have it!
  10. It will take time, be patient
    Hang in there it will take time but the results will be worth it.


The ‘SkinnyMe Bikini Body Program’ (8 weeks) and the ‘SkinnyMe Detox Program’ (4 weeks) have been designed specifically to work in conjunction with our signature 14Day and 28Day Teatox, combining nutrition and exercise to maximise the weight loss and detoxification effects.

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